Training & Workshops
People do their best work when they feel empowered.
The future of your company is determined by the success of your employees. Whether you’re looking to develop talent, improve skills capabilities, or foster a more inclusive and effective organizational or team culture, we offer a wide range of training programmes designed to empower your employees to do their best work.
Our Offerings
Building & leading high-performing teams
Leadership Circle profile coaching for individuals and teams.
Developing and honing coaching skills
Winning hearts and minds of your team
Strength-based leadership
Managing under-performers
Leadership styles
Train the Trainer
DiSC® assessment*
*(DiSC® is a personal assessment tool used by more than one million people every year to help improve teamwork, communication, and productivity in the workplace.)
Built bespoke to
meet your needs
We know one size doesn’t fit all, and time is a limited resource for many organisations. That’s why we work closely with you to build an engaging workshop that addresses your organisation’s key challenges or goals—nothing more, nothing less.
We also understand that people learn best through involvement, rather than through teaching alone. Every workshop we run actively engages participants in the learning. To ensure the learning goes deep, we provide pre- and post-workshop coaching for the relevant leaders of those attending.
Developing your leaders
Great leadership has the potential to motivate, inspire, guide, and transform an organization. However, many leaders feel ill-equipped to inspire, motivate, and coach their teams. We offer specialized leadership training workshops that blend a variety of proven methodologies and frameworks to best address your goals and challenges.
Some of the approaches we can cover in leadership training workshops include:
Coach-the coach training
Leadership styles wheel.
How we leverage Leadership Circle Profile
One of our preferred leadership development approaches is the Leadership Circle Profile™ 360. This can be used to enhance leadership effectiveness, adaptability, and confidence in the face of organizational challenges. We focus on driving systemic growth by creating high-performing cultures and preparing leaders for critical roles through robust succession planning and change management.
The Leadership Circle Profile® (LCP) provides a detailed snapshot in time, enabling leaders to answer the question: “How are my behaviors and mindset enabling or constraining my intended leadership impact and our business performance? Unlike a typical leadership assessment, a 360° leadership assessment gathers feedback from people at all levels in the organization with a relevant perspective on the participant’s leadership ability—bosses, associates, and peers, and direct reports. They evaluate the participant’s leadership skills, attitudes, influence, overall effectiveness, and other key leadership competencies.
Leadership Circle Profile is unique because it is the only 360° assessment that measures Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies, combining leadership’s inner and outer attributes. This 360-degree assessment feedback gives the leader greater insight into how they are perceived, including strengths and current limitations in their leadership effectiveness.
Colin Mooney, VP Product, Strategy & Innovation, ServiceNow